Coordinación del Programa Binacional de Educación Migrante México-Estados Unidos en el estado de Jalisco

Probemjal About us

The Secretariat of Education in the State of Jalisco and the Sub Secretariat of Basic Education through the Binational Program of Migrant Education Mexico- our entity (PROBEMJAL), has defined since its beginning, purposes and work actions from the needs of the migrant population, defined as a population with special characteristics by its condition of vulnerability, through academic activities and of collaboration with the educational structure of the entity, the consulates, the Secretariat of Foreign Relations of the SEP, among others, same ones that have as main objective, immediate educational attention of children, youth and migrant families in a situation of return, transit or of those who already residing in the neighboring country and that require the issuance of certificates of Basic Education studies through the attention with information, orientation and advice provided in person, by telephone or through electronic media. PROBEMJAL constitutes for the Jalisco society that resides in The American Union and for those who return to the country, a valuable factor of change and an instrument that favors, strengthens, consolidates, and expands all those purposes and actions, aimed at making Mexican binational migrants, have better opportunities of academic progress and with that an environment conducive to access better living standards.

Programs and projects

How to access to school

to the migrant population



Información de Contacto

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday from
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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